
Grooming A Complete Personality

Comprehensive Sports Facilities

Exposure to as many sports activities as possible is what the sports programme aims at. To facilitate all this, the sports complex houses, fully equipped gymnasium, a large swimming pool and amenities for games like cricket, Skating, football, badminton, volleyball, Kho-kho, horse-riding, shooting, table- ennis, chess, carrom etc are available in school.

Performing Arts Block

A large auditorium is the hub of all indoor activities, cultural and theatrical performances, literary activities like debates and quizzes. A fully equipped music Hall is under the control of Music teacher to teach the “SA RE GA” of the divine talent hidden in every human.

Learning Off-Campus

Excursions, Outings, Educational tours form an integral part of the learning process at Heritage International School. All classes are taken out on day trips to areas of interest such as industries, banks, post offices, railway station, etc. to make the learning experience more real and practical.

The House System

To promote team spirit, group loyalty and healthy competition among students, every student on admission is placed in one of the four ‘houses namely Red, Green, Yellow, & Blue. The School provides the platform for students to exhibit talents by organizing and taking an active part in various inter-house and inter-school competitions.

Cultural Activities

Dance, music, art, school functions, sports activities and craft give every child an opportunity to showcase his/her talent and skills. Professionals are invited on a regular basis to conduct shows and workshops in their field of expertise.

Literary Activities

It is mandatory for each child to attend the library period, where, apart from stories, newspaper headlines are read out to them to broaden their knowledge.

Avenues For Exploration Through Hobbies

During hobby period, all students of the School pursue their own interests through different clubs set up for activities ranging from sports to technology and from arts to environment.

Contributing Citizens

Children, at Heritage International are introduced to environmental issues like conservation of water and electricity, boycotting plastic bags, planting trees, AIDS Awareness, Earth Day etc. Schemes like ‘Keep your city green and clean, Say no to crackers’, Say no to smoking etc. are launched to encourage students towards building a better world outside their immediate boundaries.

“The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think.” James Beattie